Today I planted two different tomatoes. The first type was Cherry tomatoes, and the second one was Brandy Wine tomatoes.
Tomatoes are considered a fruit because of the way its grown, it grows from the ovary of the vine. You water the plant carefully for the next few days, water will throughout the growing season, Keep watering consistently. Before you transplant it, it needs to have a strong root and top growth. Then mulch five weeks after transplanting. Fertilize two weeks before first picking and two weeks after first picking. Practice crop rotation from year to year to prevent diseases that may have over wintered. An Heirloom tomato is an open-pollinated Heirloom cultivar of tomatoes.

Earth day is where we help inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. We celebrate Earth day every year on April 22nd. Earth day was started April 22nd 1970 because its said to be the birthday of Vladimir Lenin.
Here's three facts about Earth day
1) Vladimir Lenin was the founder of the Russian army. 
2) On the first Earth day at least 20 million people were involved. 
3) In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 to be International Mother Earth Day.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

