snicker-  give a smothered laugh

inexplicable-  is unable to be explained or accounted for.

On a hot summer day there was a very shallow boy. He never showed any perseverance although he always said he was going to accomplish his goals. He's always defiant to to his parents about everything, and always gets in trouble at school. But that changed one day when he had the worst week in his life. The school bus was stifling every day on the ride to and from school. He thought it was preposterous that this was happening to him. So he has been forlorn ever since that. But you can tell his shallow behavior just hovers inside him. He made some friends and people like him more then before and he was happy. He had better grades and a better school year.  
Defective is having a defect to something.
Predators are animals that kill then eat.

prospect- Its the possibility of something good will happen in the future

defiance- is to not do something that some told you to do.